Happiest of birthdays to...

-One of the smartest men I know
-A wonderful father
-A guy who always has my back
-Someone whose words of comfort after a playoff loss during my senior year of college are forever etched in my heart.
-A man I admire for his hard work, dedication, and commitment to everything he does
-An all around great time from sports talk over pints to heart-to-hearts over coffee at the beach

Happy happy birthday to Joseph McDevitt Kelly,one of the best brothers & friends around.  I hope you have a great day & an even better year.

"To the outside world we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time." 

Author: Clara Ortega 

I am smiling up a storm especially for my Mom & Dad
I am holding my head up during tummy time and not hating it as much.
I love having books read to me.
I started sleeping longer periods at night which makes my Mom super happy.
I am very curious about the world.
My parents are obsessed with my belly.
I love dancing in the kitchen to Disney music on Pandora & family walks.
I celebrated my favorite holiday (or so my Mom says) St. Patrick's Day!
Life is good.

Declan's first month of life went by way too fast.

I love these days. 

Declan is smiling more and he started to giggle and it is so awesome.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss eight consecutive hours of sleep, I never thought I would miss it as much as I do...but we are getting by surviving and he sleeping longer stretches during the night.

Nursing is challenging, rewarding wonderful, & exhausting.

It is in those moments at 3:30 AM when I'm dead dog tired and I go to nurse him and he looks up with those big blue eyes, grabs my thumb, and smiles that I am humbly reminded of who & what is important.

I wish my mom was my next-door neighbor, 8 hours away is just not cutting it.

I have to turn my brain off to the thoughts of am I doing this right? Should I not rock him to sleep? I don't want him to depend on that...If he eats every 2 hours is he a snacker? Or is he just Declan, a hungry baby? I have to remind myself the books, blogs, & outside sources aren't Declan's parents & they don't/won't ever know him the way Kyle & I do so we just need to trust our instincts and hearts. Sarah over at Saturday's Story puts it perfectly in perspective http://saturdaysstory.weebly.com/

He looks great in yellow.

I wish I could put food coloring in his milk and dye it green for St. Patrick's Day

He is in his 3 month clothing at 6 weeks...a full baby is a happy baby.
Yesterday I captured Declan's smile & it was awesome. He already has me wrapped around his tiny little finger.