Little D is sleeping for longer & longer periods of time and even through the night, twice (!!!!). While this behavior isn't expected all the time it sure is welcomed :-)

On Monday afternoon Declan laughed out loud! It was the most magical sound & last night he laughed again for his Dad!! D has been doing a throaty giggle since birth mostly when he is nursing or sleeping but this was an outright laugh & it was so wonderful.

I don't want to go back to work...ever. My heart sinks when I think about that day & while I know it is only for a short time & Declan will be watched by his Dad, Grandma's, & Aunt Laurie

This little skipper is becoming a Catholic soon & I'm so pumped for that special day & for him joining the faith. I can't wait to teach him all the ins & outs.

Kyle is such a great Dad, we are all very very lucky to have him in our lives. My heart swells thinking about this all the time.

Declan's smile melts my heart.

I can't wait for the beach. I'm so excited to share the place where the majority of my favorite memories were made with Declan.

Life really does come full circle.

Declan is a 20-30 minute napper during the that's that.

I count & recount my blessings daily.

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